Bobby and his pal Fishing Rob ~ The Grace Between

Bobby and his pal Fishing Rob

Last weekend we went camping as a family for the first time (and for you purists out there, we did use a camper, take your disapproval elsewhere J) J. was so EXCITED to go fishing with daddy, and she is absolutely focused when it comes to using her fishing “Rob.” She can often be found in the driveway as the picture of concentration, casting away with her tongue sticking out ala G. Maddox circa the childhood years. It was a sweet time with our beautiful girl and some much needed quiet moments on an isolated Alaskan lake. Incidentally, it was also the official christening of “Bobby” the canoe—so designated by J. . . . enjoy the pictures.
P.S. Creative type stuff coming soon, as well as what practical life lessons I have learned lately involving soap nuts and cork trivets.

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