In the wind ~ The Grace Between

In the wind

I’m feeling a little lost without P. here. In the wind if you will. Oh yeah, he’s not here. I am mortified that my last post was July 3rd – TONS of things have happened in between. Good things – J. turned three, we’ve had a few sonograms of TootieJoBlair Churundolo – oh yeah – I’m pregnant too (and we like to name our unborn children outrageously terrible things until they pop out). We sold the house (without owing any money which is a minor miracle in the current economy), I’ve been super crafty, which I PROMISE I will put pictures of on here, but that requires effort I’m unwilling to exert at moment. And, P. is a big shot Major now and I am a CPT. Yep, there is a new CPT Huggins in town. Anyway, some not so good, which I have to wait to share, although we are all safe, sound, and healthy, and finally, some events that are neither good nor bad but head-spinningly out of the blue. In the meantime, we have a new address that I will be emailing out shortly and is effective as of Monday morning (yes Mon Aug 30th). And in case you are wondering, it is NOT in Germany. Oh yeah, we aren’t moving to Germany either. More details to follow soon, in the meantime, happy moving to me. And a recent pic of our big girl three year old who has informed me that she is “OLD” now, which translated means she should be able to do whatever she wants whenever she wants. There is some mortal combat going down at the Huggins’ residence. And this picture reminds me that I also need to tell you about our awesome vacay in – wait for it – Bethel, AK. For non-Alaskans that means nothing but we actually had a WONDERFUL weekend in Bethel with the Edwards’ clan and I am extremely grateful for their hospitality and ability to read books OVER and OVER again without getting annoyed:)


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