Who Knew? Well probably a lot of people . . . ~ The Grace Between

Who Knew? Well probably a lot of people . . .

Oh man. I’ve had my digital Canon Rebel for over four years and for the FIRST time in the life of my camera, I ventured away from the automatic settings. I CAN’T BELIEVE it took me this long. Now, granted, I am a rank amateur and the only reason I want to be good at this is so I never have to pay someone to take pictures of my kids and also, it’s fun. And, the reality is that there are only a few really great ones in this batch, but still, I’m finding joy in having a little control over the image.
On a side note, I am reveling in the fact that it’s a thursday night at the park–it’s warm–my husband is with us–two things that have been less than frequent over the last four years. I am in awe at what I’ve been given. I can’t think of a better way to spend an hour or a better reason to push bedtime:)
Thankful for sunsets (145), parks (146), digital photography (147), the glow of J’s curls in the sun (148), her profile (149), Wee Man’s disposition (150), one hour of joy in just playing together (151).

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