The Lind Family ~ The Grace Between

The Lind Family

Two things you probably know about us.

1. We love Jesus.
2. We love flying.

So it would make sense to combine the two, right? We have discussed going on the mission field from the beginning of our marriage. We have a unique practical skill set that we would love to use.

Mission Aviation Fellowship has long been at the top of our list. Here is the website. The more we learn, the more we love.

Which brings me to the Lind Family. Matt and Lisa are dear friends from Alaska that we met the very first  months we were there (and on a side note, introduced us to David Harsh’s music … a.w.e.s.o.m.e.). They were a treasure to us the four years we lived there and we love their family and their heart for the Lord. (Also, they are #9 on my Thousand Gifts list, just FYI).

They have long felt a call to missions, and after serving as a policeman in North Pole, Alaska, both Matt and Lisa responded through, yep, you guessed it, Mission Aviation Fellowship.

Like most missionaries, they are required to be debt free when they go (to the Democratic Republic of Congo), and raise all the money required to support them through the giving of the body. So, they sold their house, and most of their worldly goods and set about doing just that.

They have two needs: 1)  Prayer …. for a variety of things which they detail in their prayer letters but top of the list is raising the rest of their support. 2) The rest of their support.

It is sensitive and difficult to ask for money. I know this and they know this. IF you feel led, read their story, decide if it is a commitment you can or want to make. Please, whatever you do, commit them to prayer, even for a moment.

We love them, and we love this mission.

This is their blog address …

You can donate here.

Here is their bio from the website …. (they now have a daughter, Amelia, as well:)

Matthew and Lisa, and their son Levi, are excited to be serving the Lord with Mission Aviation Fellowship!  They will be living and working in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo.  The DRC is located on the western side of central Africa.
In the Western Region of the DRC, MAF sustains and multiplies the ministry efforts of expatriate missionaries, national Christian workers, medical and aid workers, and the many hospitals in the interior villages, including a 350-bed hospital in Vanga. MAF pilots and planes conduct emergency medical evacuations, transport doctors and medical supplies from hospitals to outlying areas, deliver pastors and evangelistic materials to remote villages as well as enable training events, learning institutions, social action projects, and crisis relief. MAF communications services facilitate short-term projects and events, and link church leaders, remote centers, and outposts.
Matthew and Lisa were both born and raised in the Seattle area, married in 2006, and have lived in North Pole, Alaska since then.
Matthew early professed faith in Christ, being brought up in a Christian home and taught in the church.  He continued to grow in faith, culminating in his seminary studies at Faith Seminary in Tacoma, Washington, where he received a Bachelor of Theological Studies.  He has always had a heart for missions and aviation, even while working a wide range of trade and professional jobs. 
Lisa was also raised in a Christian family, giving her life to Christ from her earliest memory.  She grew up in a Messianic church and showed her commitment to Kingdom-work in two, two-week mission trips to Costa Rica.
During their time in Alaska, Matthew and Lisa have been active in the church through hosting Bible studies, supporting a church planting effort, and organizing hospitality.  Lisa is also active in music ministry.
Matthew and Lisa have been called to ministry with MAF, where Matthew will be very busy multiplying the efforts of the pilot/mechanics and base manager by keeping the regional airbase, residences, and vehicles in top working order, in addition to other duties.  Lisa will be working full-time in the home as well as taking advantage of opportunities to minister to other missionaries and local families.
Thanks for your time and your prayers for this sweet family.
One of my favorite David Harsh songs … tribute to fallen soldiers, inspired by WWI graves in Flanders field. (You have to stop the player at the bottom of the blog.)

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