Thankful. ~ The Grace Between


Wee Man had a migraine today. Ten times. Wee Man threw up ten times. This is my morning by the numbers:

10: Times he threw up.
4: Baths.
2: Times he threw up on me.
3: T-shirts I’ve worn.
??? (A lot): Times he got a new diaper because he threw up on it.
2: Times he actually needed a diaper change.
2: Times he threw up on the carpet
1: Times he threw up on the couch.
1: Time both P and I simultaneously lept from the couch all the way across the living room in one balletic horizontal dive to get the blanket under his mouth.
Feels like 1,000,000: Blankets and sheets and towels I have to wash.

So today I am thankful for the following:

-Resolve Carpet Cleaner.
-HE washing machine and dryer (and speedy too).
-Knowing he was diagnosed with migraines so I am not freaking out that it feels like he is throwing up his internal organs.
-Disposable diapers.
-Phineas and Ferb.
-J girl being occupied.
-Boxed Mac-n-Cheese.
-Mattress covers that can be wiped down.
-Running water.
-His sweet disposition even though he’s been throwing up nonstop.
-Husband watching kiddos so I can take a rest.

I am going to take a nap :).

UPDATE: It’s Monday now. Whew. Sunday was worse. There was dueling vomit. As in P and J Girl were throwing up simultaneously. And high fevers. It looks like a bomb went off in this house. I managed to not throw up but felt pretty terrible myself and slept until noon on Monday. Praise Jesus everyone is better now and we can resume normal activities. That was BRUTAL. And on a side note, if I never watch another episode of House Hunters on HGTV I will be a happy woman.


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