Worry ... ~ The Grace Between

Worry …

Before you read further …. I am sharing this because worry is also part of reason I haven’t blogged as much lately, but since I wrote this, God is providing patience, some rest, and while we have a few answers for some specific questions, there are always more unknowns, so this is ever and always a constant battle. It has come up in several conversations over the past weeks so I wanted to share my thoughts. Just know we are all fine and God is good.

(Feb 21, 2012) My stomach is in knots. Twisting, roiling, turning – doing a discordant dance in time with my racing thoughts. I am overrun with worry
In these moments, I am claiming Psalm 62. Specifically, 
My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God. 
      ~Psalm 62:5-7
If I claim that I am grateful, that God is omnipotent and I trust Him fully with my life, my babes’ lives, the Husband -that He, ever and only He, is my refuge – then I have to live it, I have to own it. I said it with H, I said it with Bug …. it was true then and it true now. When God is asking me to wait for answers, potentially hard and scary answers, however unlikely, I have to submit, to set aside the worry, set aside the fear and continue to be grateful. To hold the Husband a little closer, to squeeze my sweet babes a little harder, to savor each moment, to be awash in eucharisto. 
It is so hard …. I was starting to spin up a little on Sunday and we were singing the song Psalm 62 by Aaron Keyes. I was mouthing the words on auto pilot at the beginning while I was diving down the rabbit hole, then stopped for a moment as what I was saying registered ….
“I’ll set my gaze on God alone and trust in him completely, 
With every day pour out my soul and He will prove His mercy …. “
Whew. I needed to hear that …. I started to tune in and heard these two lines as well …. 
“Though life is but a fleeting breath, a sigh to brief to measure,
My King has crushed the curse of death and I am His forever.”
Well …. there is some much needed perspective. 
I make so much of my fleeting breath. I consume myself with worry rather than rejoicing in the knowledge that the victory is already won. I make it all about me …. so selfish and small minded. 
One of my favorite John Piper quotes of all time …“Indeed, what could be more ludicrous in a vast and glorious universe like this than a human being, on the speck called earth, standing in front of a mirror trying to find significance in his own self-image?” 
So, daily, I have to tear myself away from the mirror …. 
to celebrate the victory …. 
to be grateful for what I know …. 
surrender what I don’t …. 
and take refuge in my Rock. 

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