Family of Five ... {Beautiful}. ~ The Grace Between

Family of Five … {Beautiful}.

{A link-up with the Gypsy Mama and her Friday Flash Mob}. Even though I take longer than five minutes, but today it was only because I was typing one handed on the iPhone while I nursed the babe. 

Five Minute Friday

Today was our first day flying solo as a Family of Five.

My parents left this morning. *Tears.

Let me just say now that being a Family of Five, because that’s how I think of it, in all capital letters, is a tectonic shift in our life and all things parenting related. It is Blowing. My. Mind.

So here is a quick breakdown of the day:

1. Wee Man spent most of the day naked and he pooped on the carpet. Then Shadow ate it. Yep. That’s the sound of me gagging. {Potty training-need I say more?}

2. Shadow also pooped on the carpet … Fortunately they do not have a reciprocal relationship.

3. We decided, because of course we would, that taking the kids to the movies was an excellent way to spend the afternoon. And it was, until we discovered upon exiting the movie theater that Wee Man’s clothes were wet from his belly button to his knees.

Hmmmm. He didn’t have a drink, soooo … I checked his diaper, and lo and behold, his diaper was wedged up UNDER the business end of his, well, “business” and he had spent the entire two hours peeing all over himself and the theater seat. WITH NARY A WORD.

4. And of course, when we went to the Children’s Place to buy a replacement outfit because we weren’t going home, he decided it was a most appropriate time and place to play hide and seek among the clothing racks in his pee pants.

5. And so, I ended up squatting on the concrete outside the mall with Second Son in the crook of my elbow and the other hand gripping the extended arm of a shirtless, pee covered, furious Wee Man as he flailed about on the ground. My crime? Not letting him run in traffic while Husband went to get the car in a torrential downpour.

6. By 4:45 pm, while Numbers One and Three were wailing, and Two was making me count to five incessantly, Husband and I were debating what would be the most efficient way to self-medicate. The choices were Motrin or liquor.

And why am I telling you all this?

Because I secretly love it. It’s a messy, chaotic, beautiful life

I love their outsized personalities. Their smiles that spread across their whole face. The baby bird squawks of a hungry newborn. The  sweet newborn smell and impossibly skinny legs. The potty dance. J girl riding her bike with no training wheels. {Editor’s note: AWESOME.} Counting to five. In an unintelligible language. Their laughs, and yes, even their screams.

All moments I experienced today between and during events one through five.

And so, as I sink into the gross green couch-mildly traumatized and more than a little terrified of Monday {when Husband goes back to work}-I will still put this in the win column.

I nestle in with Second Son, this precious babe that makes us a Family of Five, and I can’t imagine it any other way.

Messy. Chaotic. Beautiful.


{And I have to add, #4 was accidentally witnessed by my blogging friend Sarah, who was in line for the movies when we made the unfortunate, hilarious discovery.  I’ve hung out with her once in real life, and if this doesn’t scare her off, will definitely hang out with her more-a brave soul, that one.}

Some picnic love from Wednesday. Red Soda stains, gap teeth, and Cheeto face … beautiful.

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