Army Life Archives ~ Page 12 of 16 ~ The Grace Between

Guest blogging today …

We’ve moved five times in seven years. Five. We’ve lived through four deployments between the two of us. We’ve had months to prepare, we’ve had years, and we’ve had weeks. We’ve had days where we didn’t know where home would be two weeks later … or what country the...

On War and Weariness

“I have a confession to make. I am weary of war. I feel vaguely traitorous to my fellow military wives in spilling my fatigue. But oh I am tired. Our snapshot of Army life falls somewhere in the middle on the hardship scale. Seven and a half years together....

A snapshot of community: Jana

Parenting is hard on a good day. Add bad days, and deployment days, and it can feel disheartening and overwhelming. Meet my internet friend Jana and the community that surrounded her on a bad deployment day. My husband is active duty Air Force. Two years ago he was...

A snapshot of “I”.

For privacy reasons, my friend has chosen to remain anonymous. But please read her snapshot of “I”. Sometimes, we meet people right in the heart of their messy and heartisbreaking moments. And we don’t and sometimes won’t know how the story...

A snapshot of prepared: T.

Meet my friend T. You’ve heard of the stages of grief, right? Well, you could say there are stages of deployment. One of them is insane preparation for every wild scenario your overactive imagination can conjure. And can I just tell you, we’ve all been...

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