Wee Man ~ The Grace Between

Wee Man

My poor sad little blog, I’ve missed you so. Let me just jump in with all the latest (and oldish) news since I have been such a bum. The next few posts will just be mostly updates . . . A LOT has happened. First and most important, which most of you should know because I am way better at Facebook, is that we have a sweet baby boy, our wee man, David Asher Huggins, heretofore known as A or Wee Man. (FYI I am totally congratulating myself right this moment for using the word heretofore.)
A was born 10:56 pm February 20, 2011 at Bassett Army Community Hospital weighing in at a robust 7 lbs, 5 oz and 19.5 inches long and looking JUST LIKE DADDY. So I have just managed to squeeze in two Alaskan born babies. Pete was there, Granmom Maddox was there (in AK), and Papa Maddox made it soon after. It was textbook labor and quick (praise Jesus, because it was also drug free). Yes, that’s right, I have already sent off for my Super Natural Woman badge, thank you very much. It was four and a half hours from active labor to my sweet man making an entrance. And let me just say, that while I frequently denigrate the film industry for lack of accuracy, it really was like the movies…lots of screaming and moaning, etc. Not pretty. But worth it. And for the record, I will go drug free again, although it took me a while post birth to make that decision. It evolved:)
So now, as I am writing this, Wee Man is just 5 months old and a dream baby. The smilingest little man you could ever imagine. I am in love all over again. Never thought there would be TWO men that would have a hold on me like this. He chews on his fingers non-stop, LOVES his sister, LOVES to be snuggled, laughs all the time, drools buckets all over the place, is a champ on the boat (oh yeah, we bought a boat), and is one cool dude floating around in his life jacket and sunglasses. (As I write that I realize we haven’t taken any pictures of that yet and we definitely need too:) He’s rolling both ways and coos all the time and I swear will crawl early because he has some seriously strong thunder thighs. Little J has taken on the role of big sister with relish and loves on her brother all the time-praise God she hasn’t had any moments of jealousy and he’s too little to get on her nerves yet. Just one time did she express dismay at the prospect of having a brother. (He was about two weeks old).
J: (whining) “But mom, I wanted a girl!”
M: Would you like me to try again? It might take me a while to cook another one . . . we’ll try for a girl again.
J: Yeah, (pointing) and we can put that one away!
M: HAHAHAHAHAHA. No, he’s a keeper.
For the record, she did retract her statement a week later, informing me that she did NOT want to put him away. She is fascinated with the whole process of nursing, which has resulted in lots of interesting conversations and a little song and dance about “Boobie Time” (in Target, no less….you’re welcome fellow Target shoppers.) I should be better about writing all the stuff she says down. It is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Anyway, our little family is just perfect for the moment, although we are by no means done (Lord willing).
Sad news though: Our hard drive crashed and I am in the process of recovering pics so these will have to do for now.

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The Grace Between