“Motherhood provides you with an opportunity to lay down the things that you cannot keep on behalf of the people you cannot lose. They are eternal souls, they are your children, they are your mission field.”
. . . . . . I have read this article, previously but after my day yesterday (ugly), it reduced me to tears today.
“Think about the feeding of the five thousand when the disciples went out and rounded up the food that was available. It wasn’t much . . . . That had to have felt like a small offering. But the important thing about those loaves and those fishes was not how big they were when they were given, it was about whose hands they were given into. In the hands of the Lord, that offering was sufficient. There were leftovers. Given in faith, even a small offering becomes great.”
I’m not sure if I was crying sad tears over my abject failure in said field yesterday or grateful tears over the precious grace inherent in taking my pitiful offerings and multiplying them a thousand fold.
Grace that results in what P. calls “drive-by ‘I love yous’.” That ends with J’s wispy curls tucked under my chin and a sleepy voice informing me that “Mommy snuggles are the best ever.”
My constant desire is that I would take each moment and offer it up rather than shoulder it as a burden. But in the meantime . . . .
My cup runneth over.
bedtime snuggles (152), playing peekaboo with Wee Man (153), snacking on his toes (154), hearing Wee Man’s belly laugh (155), J’s cloud soft curly hair after a bath (156), a dear friend with a heart for other mothers (157), grace, grace, God’s grace (158)