On Monday, this happened. My heart always aches for those loved ones affected by this particular type of loss. The LT involved was a friend of a friend. My friend’s family, who dearly loved him, are in very much the same situation my family was in when original J. was killed. They are incredibly sad and seeking to minister to her little brother, who was best friends with him and counting on him to stand as his best man in his wedding. I am grieving for them today, and at the same time, grieving fresh for J. as this brings back a lot of memories, some good, and some very difficult. I am incredibly grateful for the brief arc she made through my life and the legacy she left behind. So today, this day, I am remembering a little more, a little harder, and I wanted to share that with those of you who knew and loved her. Most of you, if you were at her funeral, already saw my amateur attempt at remembrance, but here it is again. I hope it is precious.