Dear Kansas . . . I love you. ~ The Grace Between

Dear Kansas . . . I love you.

It seems I can remember specific occasions over the course of my adult life where I have stated vehemently or otherwise, “I would never live in Kansas.” It’s too flat, boring, conceptual, landlocked, etc. Or some variation thereof. And so, because we serve a relational and emotional Creator, who I personally believe has an impeccably timed, perfect (he he), sense of humor, I am in fact, living in Kansas.

And as it turns out, I like Kansas. It’s not Alaska, or the south for that matter, but I don’t need it to be. Those places occupy separate spaces in my heart. So, I surrender. And in my final act of acquiescence, I am writing her(?) a love letter.

Dear Kansas,

I’m ever so sorry I slandered you over the last thirty two years. I was narrow minded and wrong and I am begging your forgiveness. So for my mea culpa, here are a few of my favorite things (about you).

There are sunflowers everywhere! In Kansas City, lone plants guarding the interstate, pops of yellow in a concrete jungle. In medians, roadsides, in our neighborhood, everywhere I go. Love, love, love. (173) 

Brick and mortar Anthropologie store. In driving distance. In case you didn’t hear, ANTHROPOLOGIE. I can drive to. (174FYI, P not so thankful about this one. 

Oak Hills Presbyterian Church and the body of Christ we’ve encountered here. I know I shouldn’t be surprised by this because God blesses us everywhere we go, but I am, each time. SO incredibly grateful. (175)  And for the record, these are NOT listed in order of importance. 

Small town living in a historical setting. Love knowing we are walking (driving) the trails that Lewis and Clark broke, and living in a place that hosted a parade of our nation’s most legendary military leaders. (176)

Broadway St in downtown Leavenworth. (177) A street of historical homes that I salivate over every time I drive down it. I don’t think I will be able to control the impulse for a whole year to knock on someone’s door and beg for an impromptu home tour. 

My neighbors. (J’s “across friends”). They have served us so cheerfully and willingly and are such a blessing to me. (178) And, she is a nurse, and has fielded several panicked phone calls from me over sick babies. Here’s hoping they don’t get tired of us:) 

Corn fields. Farms everywhere, close to the city. (179) You (the collective you, not Kansas) would be surprised at how beautiful rolling corn fields are. I am not going to delve into the politics of corn growing and it’s uses, just taking a moment to enjoy the physical beauty of it. 

The handmade crafting community. (180) I was sure no one could touch Alaska but I already have TWO invitations to visit farms with animals to pet, goat milk products to try, and hand dyed, hand spun yarn to revel in. It’s alive and well, as evidenced by our farmers market downtown. (Plus there is a famous fabric store in Laurence I haven’t even explored yet!)

In that vein, sheeps milk cheese from a local farm. To. Die. For. Good enough to use my WHOLE calorie allowance on. (181)

KC Sporting. Blue confetti. You introduced to me to major league soccer and allowed me to see David Beckham play soccer. LIVE. I saw David Beckham play soccer live. I am officially a KC fan for life:) (182, 183, 184)

This list is to be continued . . . we have at least nine more months to get better acquainted. I will come back and whisper more sweet nothings as I continue to fall in love.

Til next time,

Thanks for making my girl smile. 


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The Grace Between