Two Fives ~ The Grace Between

Two Fives

Since this is my blog and I do what I want, (and I am trying to record things for the Jamester), I will now subject you to one of the many (totally awesome) things J says.

I was (unsuccessfully) trying to have a quiet moment in my room. Teething Wee Man, Girl of a Million Questions, and The Rock Star (P is leading music this Sunday so he was having an impromptu jam session in the living room) all came together in a perfect storm of auditory chaos (while I was on the phone). Must. Lay. Down.

However, J, with the detecting skills of Sherlock Holmes, found me hiding under the covers in about 24.3 seconds. Quiet moment over, commence Mommy/J snuggles. Okay, those are equally medicinal. In the course of our conversation, I asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up. “A mommy.” “What else?” “That’s it!” I wish I could convey her tone. I mean hello, CPT Obvious. Anyway, so I asked how many kids she wanted. “This many. Two fives.” Holding up ten fingers. (Oh man.) She has got a master plan for sure. She proceeded to tell me they would be named Cinderella, Tinkerbell, Rapunzel, Geraldine, Allie, Aili, Signe, Sally, Nick, and she can’t decide between Terrance or Eugene for number ten. Whichever one is not her child will be her prince. She then decided she would have THREE fives kids at which point I told her Eugene? Terrance? better be bringing home the bacon. She was a little confused. All the while me holding back barely contained laughter.

I am so grateful she views motherhood as desirable. Goodness knows we’ll teach her that she can do or be anything (all the while praying/teaching that her desire should be to be obedient to God in her calling). But, even if she is a mommy, and “that’s it!” I will be a happy woman, and oh so thankful for her heart in this mission field.

Pictures are from our mommy/daughter date in which we dressed up like princesses and attended our local theater production of Cinderella. Before … and after. FYI, she wore the elmo socks all night. Those were not just bedtime apparel. Oh how I love that girl.


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