Some photos for the family. It’s been a difficult few days around here for this pregnant mama … a story for another time … but this morning was sweet, and filled with the kind of moments I want to hoard, buried treasure to be found, cherished, remembered years from now.
Which was helpful because this evening was mostly tears and temper tantrums.
Hours of tandem wailing.
So these I will cherish, manna for this tired mama.
There was a storyboard of Holy Week, egg-dying, photography, and general merriment. Feel free to click through. Or not.
- Holy Week Storyboard
- Smooches
- Color elves
- I heart mason jars.
- The twin tornadoes.
- Five minutes takes FOREVER
- Pure concentration.
- I heart color.
- Loves to stir.
- Toddler joy.
- Big girl effort.
- Results!
- A few minutes of playtime.
- Treasure.
- Queen of my heart.
- Voila. Springtime eggs.