An Intentional Advent ~ The Grace Between

An Intentional Advent

Advent season is my favorite.I am usually in a daze of wonder for the whole of December. Star stricken by the Divine humanity. It is a well from which to draw all year long.The clearest memories I have of Christmas as a child are threefold.

I remember reading the Christmas story on Christmas morning, my dad’s deep voice rooting the words right down in my bones. We always cut down a live tree, even in the lean years, at Colonel Purcell’s Christmas tree, jousting with the tree measuring poles, sucking down hot chocolate, and trying to send each other through the tree baler while we sweet talked candy from the Colonel. And of course, I remember making aprons for my sisters one memorable year.

Want to know what I don’t remember? If my mother sent out Christmas cards. Basically any present ever besides the aprons. How many school parties/church parties we attended. My most magical memories are the gossamer moments we spent tied together as a family. Squabbling, fighting, making, listening, living. 

Mamas, those are the memories I would encourage you to make this holiday season. To set aside expectations that are unrealistic, unrealized, and frankly, unimportant.

I’d love for you to follow me over here at Missionary Mama to hear three ways you can do the living this season, three ways to celebrate an intentional advent. 



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