On Roots and Wings ... ~ The Grace Between

On Roots and Wings …

My oldest daughter is 11 now, halfway through the first year of middle school and sprouting her baby wings. If I’m being honest, it’s terrifying.

I was meditating on that when I started a Bible study on Genesis (through my church) and we discussed how Moses wrote the book of Genesis for the Israelites as they were wondering in the desert, newly freed from a life of slavery but not yet with a home. He wrote Genesis to remind the Israelites who they were and where they came from, even as they stood on the precipice of so many unknowns. Roots and shoots is how the teacher characterized it.

Roots and shoots. Exactly the thing I pray for my not-a-baby baby girl as she matures. So how DO we give our wild ones the roots they need to fly? How do we keep then safe in the knowledge of they are as the Imago Dei, yet desperately in need of a Savior?

… I’d love for you to follow me over to Missionary Mama to read more. 

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