Upside Down ~ The Grace Between

Upside Down

Seven years ago, I wrote a [not very good] poem that began as follows:

“Take away my want to be made much of … “

Even now that plea echoes in my heart.

I decided to research how many blogs are estimated to be on the web-the best I could find was an article written in 2008 putting the number around 112 million english language blogs alone. 112,000,000.

Hello humility! There you are. What is worthwhile about the frothy words that I drop on the page? A recounting of my day, the endless cute stories and photos of my [admittedly gorgeous] babies, a little navel gazing, the grace I don’t deserve …

I have been praying that I would engage with this blog in a way that was balanced [and interesting, funny, whatever … all the other things that would make reading this worthwhile to someone.]  And at the same time, to guard against the growing desire to know, to care so much if [and who] does.

Then I found this. And this [part 2] and this [part 3]. Of course it’s from Ann Voskamp. A whole movement called Upside Down Blogging. Making less of myself and more of Christ. Ohhhh.

That is worthwhile.

If, and only if, I am making less of myself and more of Him. I mean, there will always be cute stories and photos of the babes, some recounting of days, maybe a little navel gazing . . . but my desire is, my heart is, to point heavenward in the details. In the stories, in the grace I don’t deserve.  So this, from her speech on upside down blogging, articulated far better than me, is what I hope comes from spilling my words on screen.  

“The lines of our stories become literal life-lines that we throw to each other when the storms come and beat hard on our lives….

We need your messy stories. And you need your messy stories.
Why do I need your story and why do you need your story? Because story is a way that the Spirit of God can bind our wounds. It is in story, we meet the Spirit of God. The reader meets the Spirit of God in the reading of story — the word made flesh in your life. The writer, you, meets the Spirit of God in the writing your story – the word made flesh in your own life.”~A.V

She continues later, saying that the success of your blog, and really every part and piece of your life, can be counted by whether you offer it as service to Him. [Truly, if you blog, you should read these. So encouraging!]

So, now, I am praying for blogging success. To be upside down, to be low, to lift Him high. 

Thanks for hearing? knowing? reading? my heart each day. 

…. Lord, take away my want to be made much of ….. 


“It matters to serve One. In the upside down kingdom, One is the one you serve.”~A.V.

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