the /grace/ between
The grace poured out between.
On Keeping Them Safe
(Trigger warning: Brief mention of suicide and self harm.) When I turned forty, I thought I said goodbye to a decade of being tired. Chuckbob wasn’t even a thought. COVID was months away. // I remember when my Second Son was just weeks old, and I was a fresh mom...
About Round Bushes, Psalm 82:3, and the Hunger Games.
Yesterday morning I was trimming the hedges. Now, I have never trimmed the hedges before and was intimidated at the prospect of wrestling into submission the bushes that were eating our house. Yes, it was that bad. So I was into it. It was a massacre of epic...
Please Pray
If you stop by this page today, or any day, really, take a moment to pray for the families of the fallen. Seven US soldiers died yesterday in a Blackhawk crash in Afghanistan. Eleven total casualties. There are dark days ahead for the families. Regardless of your...
What I Know Now
Dear sixteen year old me, and twenty year old me, and twenty four year old me . . . and all the others in between, I’ve been wanting to write you . . . to break through the glossy shell of youth, of naiveté, of security. To tell you what I know now. I wanted to...
Charlie Dog
I was folding laundry by the couch today, tears leaking out, and and it was h.a.r.d to see the sunlight streaming through the front door and highlighting the pattern of paw prints smudged all over our wooden floor.Why would that be hard?We put Charlie Dog to sleep...
I Should Be Asleep . . .
I should be asleep. I'm not, because I spent the last six hours working on a non fiction book proposal (!!!) and there's nothing like procrastination to inspire your finest work. But seriously, it's done. Yay!But instead of sleeping, I want you to see this picture....
A Case of the Mondays.
I want to tell you about my first world problems. And then I'll tell you why I am grateful, I promise.One: We have an old dog. Like one-hundred years old in dog years. Old. And he acts old. And he has old man pee. As in, he has to go to the bathroom a lot. And...
Maybe you noticed … maybe you didn’t.
Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't, I changed the name and address of the blog.All part of something bigger that I can't wait to share with you in the upcoming weeks .... Until then, the old web address will redirect you to the correct place.Love you all for...