the /grace/ between

The good-byes of an Army wife. The good hellos of an Army life.

The grace poured out between.

On Connection and SEC Football

I promised myself connection these days but it’s been a hard two years of minimizing dysfunction and wild grief and depression and parenting hard things and pretending it’s all good in the moment.  I went to a women’s fellowship for our church last night. I prayed...

On Healing

On Healing

So this little postscript on healing is the accidental part two to my previous post. And happens to be the prompt for a lovely community of grace filled writers who get together on Fridays and write and read and encourage. HEAL(ING) See, after all that, after 11...

On Veterans

On Veterans

We buried (another) friend last week.(I told you about him here, but because his desire was to be buried at Arlington with his fellow veterans, the interment ceremony wasn't until June. Bear with me-it has been a difficult, emotional season and that has been...

To The Military Spouse

To The Military Spouse

For the military spouse.  Monday night was spent saying goodbye to old and new friends. They are moving on, to parts west and far east of here and it’s got me thinking about my people. We’ve landed here in the woods of Northern Virginia close to a year now and...

A Goodbye Letter

A Goodbye Letter

On Tuesday, May 3, my husband's dear friend of twenty six years took his own life. Even separated by time and distance there are people whose threads are so woven into our  every day moments that they exist there almost unseen, until suddenly, the thread is cut....


… A slash can show a line break in a poem, a song or a play. This blog? This is my song, my story. And grace shot through the broken lines of it at every turn. At the heart of it, I am a story-teller. And in the telling of my story, perhaps you’ll find healing for yours.



© Molly Huggins and The Grace Between, [2010-2018]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Molly Huggins and The Grace Between with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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