Jamester Archives ~ Page 4 of 4 ~ The Grace Between

Sartorial Splendor

It’s 75 here in Kansas (!!) and we are basking in the outdoor play. After rest time today, I hurried J into the back yard without really paying attention to her. When she ran into the house to show me the ladybug she had befriended and I got the full effect of...

Two Fives

Since this is my blog and I do what I want, (and I am trying to record things for the Jamester), I will now subject you to one of the many (totally awesome) things J says.I was (unsuccessfully) trying to have a quiet moment in my room. Teething Wee Man, Girl of a...

The Jamester

I have been marveling over my kiddos anew lately. Last Saturday night, I was going through little J’s baby clothes (the itty bitty ones) to pass on to a girl in our church and I was in awe of what has transpired in four short years. I know I will go through some...

Christmas with J.

Christmas Eve is one of my favorite nights of the year. I love candlelight services, Christmas hymns soothe my soul . . . it is a sweet and PEACEFUL moment of reflection on the blessings (and trials) of the previous year, the challenges of the next one . . . all...

The beginning of the middle…

Because I don’t have enough crazy in my life (and because my email list is getting looooong), I decided we need a blog. As if Alaska wasn’t far enough, we are moving to Germany. So I need a handy place to keep you posted, a way to share my love of all...

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