L.O.V.E. Archives ~ Page 3 of 3 ~ The Grace Between

The luckiest

So I just discovered my new favorite song . . . accompanied by this awesome video, and it prompted me to {finally} write this. Because I am really never busy enough any time I go to Georgia, when I visited in May, I managed to squeeze in three weddings in three...

The beginning of the beginning…

We celebrated our anniversary this weekend. Five years (a jam packed five years!). Our actual anniversary is April 30th, but generally speaking, I am about a week behind in my life so this is actually on schedule. So, in honor of this very special day, and because I...

Happy Birthday Love

So, yesterday was the hubs birthday. I would have actually written this yesterday, but I was too tired from spending his money all day then cooking him a fabulous dinner. (In my defense, most of the money spent was directly or indirectly for him . . . except for...

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