Photos Archives ~ Page 14 of 22 ~ The Grace Between

Small Beginnings

“For who has despised the day of small things?” Zechariah 4:10. Right now I feel like I am on a hamster wheel built of laundry and dirty dishes and cleaning up rooms and phonics battles and whining sessions and teething sessions. Throw in the occasional...

Snow Day!

We had to go to Kansas to get good snowman snow.Compare and contrast.The day we brought Wee Man home from hospital (it snowed 19 INCHES the night he was born …)Versus yesterday.Yesterday we could build a snowman. It was sticky and warm. Yes, this is the warmest...

Wordless Wednesday … or Kids in a Box

Who needs toys. (Editors note: Box is from the Honest Company. Used Zulilly and got a months supply of uber-natural disposable diapers for half price. Let me just say …. LOVE these diapers. I usually cloth diaper, but they were causing problems for Wee Man and...

Manic Monday

The kids were happily playing this morning-Wee Man was cruising up and down the hallway and J Girl was changing clothes for the eleventy millionth time-and I was blissfully enjoying my nice steaming cup of liquid crack coffee when I heard the following:(Imagine lots...

Bow Ties and Birdies.

Crafting joy.$.99 felt, two hair clips, a hot glue gun, and this tutorial from Little Birdie Secrets = Hipster Wee Man.To. Die. For.And because that’s not enough, I spent three hours on Sunday night, inappropriately focused, of course, felting a bird....


Yelling is a choice …. Yelling is a choice. I am struggling. This is my current battle waging. I am impatient, I want my J girl to hurry up. I am learning that being on time is never more important than speaking kindly to her.Getting schoolwork...

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