the /grace/ between

The good-byes of an Army wife. The good hellos of an Army life.

The grace poured out between.

On Connection and SEC Football







Hey I'm Molly - Army wife, ex-helicopter pilot & mother of five children, two dogs, two cats, a borrowed donkey, a handful of backyard chickens & two very patient horses.

I’m also an organized creative, a recovering Type A, and I can’t stop talking when I’m nervous. I love coffee, color and all things DIY. I write because it’s how I’m made to worship. I tell my story because I want you to know my weakness, and His strength. I write to recount our moments of fear, grief, grace, joy, and ultimately, redemption. So prop your feet up on my virtual kitchen table, pour a cup of ridiculously strong coffee, and stay awhile. I’m so glad you’re here.


Sticks and Stones and Empathy {A Snapshot of Rearranged}.

Hello dear friends. I have been quiet lately. Real life is swallowing up all that I have to offer at the moment. I will be back soon - this week even ... I have pages of notes on my iPhone hastily typed during nursing sessions. So, soon, I hope. In the meantime,...

Fall in Tennessee {G-Rated}.

Fall in Tennessee {G-Rated}.

"Two roads divirged in a yellow wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by,  And that has made all the difference." ~ Robert Frost  I took a walk in the woods with the Wee Man. He was quite enthusiastic about it. Second Son was along for the ride. He was mesmerized...

Holy in a Hotel Room .. {My Allume}.

There are six of us in the hotel room, a motley crew, these women. Introverts and extroverts, farm girls and city dwellers, and even one who has a love affair with tweezers. And it’s late and there might be a bottle of wine (or two) on the nightstand and us, who love...

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