"Homemade Chapstick" . . . or "I Need A Life" ~ The Grace Between

“Homemade Chapstick” . . . or “I Need A Life”

Surprise surprise already falling behind. Haven’t blogged in over a month, primarily due to the GARGANTUAN case of inappropriate focus I am currently overtaken with*. So, what pressing matter called me like a siren back to the computer? . . . Homemade chapstick. The reality of my life is that I don’t know when my husband is coming home, I have not an inkling of where we’ll go when we leave here in May, but I can make me some (fabulous) homemade chapstick. All credit for the recipe goes to Passionate Homemaking, only my favorite blog EVER. It’s a simple blend of beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil. The last time my lips were this happy, I was kissing P. So check out the link-WORTH IT! FYI, I used .25 oz and 1 oz tins rather than chapstick containers.
*On the bright side, I’m over halfway done with homemade Christmas. I want to post pics SO badly but that would ruin the surprise, and since I am pretty sure only my family reads this, I have to wait:)

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