Oh Man. ~ The Grace Between

Oh Man.

Oh man. OH MAN. We have officially started the cash/envelope method of budgeting to help clear up some debt (and stop the hemorrhaging of money that seems to occur on or around the first of each month). At which point I realized several important? funny? sad? things about my current state of mind.

1. This has transformed my brain on a molecular level. Couldn’t tell you the science, but I had no idea how much the concept of fiscal restraint (or lack of) had tentacles in EVERY part of our lives. We have to change a lot-how we shop for food and eat it, our entertainment choices, what we do for our kids, etc. Crazy town. In all seriousness, it has laid my heart bare, and I was quite unprepared for it. I’m trying to decide how much I should? or want? to share. More on that later. . .

2. I have discovered that the moment I cannot buy something, my primal need for that item increases a thousand fold. I wish (or maybe I am glad that you didn’t ) that you could have seen me talking myself out of a monogrammed pumpkin in Hobby Lobby. I need monogrammed pumpkins. 

3. I need a better system – chicken scratch and half-opened envelopes spilling singles into the passenger seat is so not gonna cut it. 
4. So it turns out I have way less self discipline than I was giving myself credit for. That one stings a little.
5. On that note, this exercise is delivering humility in spades. Apparently a much needed dose. 
6. Plus side: It is a huge time saver. When you walk into Wal-Mart with a twenty dollar bill, there’s only so much you can buy, and there is no use perusing the eighty thousand other items that stupid monogrammed pumpkin on your shoulder is telling you that you NEED.

7. I can live on my existing craft stash for at least a year. That puppy is HUGE. I have projects to last me until well after we get out of debt. Exhibit A: I made two potential family photo outfits for J in two days with existing materials. I was veering out of inappropriate focus territory into borderline obsessed. It wasn’t pretty. Part of that lesson in humility.

8. Pontoon boat is still totally worth it. 

So to all you fiscally savvy, Dave Ramsey veterans out there, what was your best system for record-keeping and carrying/storing envelopes? And if you live near me, I do not carry them on my person so please, don’t mug me for some quick cash. Thanks. 
Also, pray for us! This is fun?, definitely challenging, but ultimately so good for our family. 
P.S. So after I wrote this, I was cleaning house to my Jesus music, and heard this song: (the frame is skewed but AWESOME version).
The love of Christ is RICH and FREE. Really, what else do I need to know. Whew.

Thankful for perspective (188), a clean home (189), my existing craft stash (190), sharing my unique brand of crazy with P and not having him run the other direction (191). 

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