by Molly Huggins | Jun 22, 2013 | Aha Moments, Blogging, Community, Dreams, Faith, Photos, Thankful, Upside Down
I’m doing it again. I am restless, wanting more. It’s 9:45 pm {UPDATE it’s now 4:24 am because, ugh, pregnancy insomnia}, I’m congratulating myself on taking a shower today and not crying when the dog escaped because it’s June in TN and I...
by Molly Huggins | May 20, 2013 | Faith, Fear, Hope, Husband, L.O.V.E., Mommy Heart, Second Son
Breaking news y’all. We went on a date a month ago. And now, weeks later, I want to tell you about the night I really truly fell in love with this wee babe in my belly. Not just the idea of him, but the reality of him. Also, I want to tell you his name. First, our...
by Molly Huggins | May 13, 2013 | Faith
Occasionally I find notes I’ve scribbled to myself, ideas for a blog post, fresh eyes on a familiar verse. Most of them get translated, thought out, passed on to you. {Whether you want them or not.} A few get lost … and then … reborn. Like this one. Daniel...
by Molly Huggins | May 11, 2013 | Community, Faith, Hope, Lives We Love, Mommy Heart
Happy Mother’s Day. I wish I could talk about motherhood as well she did. But I can’t so go read what she wrote. Let me just say I will echo her words … “Motherhood isn’t sainthood and we’re all a bunch of sinners here and don’t let anyone tell you any...
by Molly Huggins | Apr 19, 2013 | Blogging, Faith, Fear, Grief, Hope
What a week. The Boston Marathon. West, Texas. Ricin letters. And now the unfolding manhunt in Boston as I type. It feels vaguely apocalyptic, no? `I haven’t written much … it is overwhelming, and we have a few other things going on here. Others have...
by Molly Huggins | Apr 6, 2013 | Army Life, Faith, Fear, Grief, Hope, Jamester, Mommy Heart, Our Story
From November 2008 to November of 2009, my husband and I were both deployed to different parts of the world. The J Girl spent the year with my older sister and her husband. She was one and a half when we dropped her off. She was two and half when we picked her up....