by Molly Huggins | Mar 31, 2017 | Faith, Hope, Jamester, Mommy Heart, Wee Man
(I wrote this a few weeks ago … just now linking up here because I want you to hear me.) PARENTING IDOLS I have a confession to make. I made an idol of my children. More accurately, the idea of my children, and my expectations of who they would be. I...
by Molly Huggins | Nov 7, 2016 | Army Life, Blogging, Faith, Fear, Hope
(I’m guest posting today, at Missionary Mama – I’d love for you to stop in.) “THE WELFARE OF GOD’S KINGDOM IS NOT DEPENDENT ON THE ELECTION OF THIS KINGDOM.” This election season has proven exhausting and mostly discouraging if I am honest with you...
by Molly Huggins | Jul 22, 2016 | Faith, Fear, Grief, Hope, Preemptive Love Coalition
(Every time I went to write this, fresh tragedy was overtaking my social media streams. And so this may be old news in this heartbreaking season, but it still matters.) It feels like the world is on fire – and in the dog days of this summer, I am burning from...
by Molly Huggins | Apr 27, 2016 | Army Life, Blogging, deployment, Faith, Fear, Grief, Hope, Husband, Original J, Our Story
Oh friends. I have so much to tell you. (PLEASE PLEASE read all the way through.) First things first. Back in October, 2015, I met the lovely Jamie Ivey on an airplane on the way to Allume. Of course, I had no idea who she was and had never listened to her podcast...
by Molly Huggins | Apr 24, 2016 | Army Life, deployment, Faith, Grief, Jamester
April is the month of the military child. I have four wild souls populating this space, but my girl, my oldest, she has born the brunt of the choices we make in a way that is both beautiful and heartrending all at once. My husband’s last deployment was two years...
by Molly Huggins | Apr 21, 2016 | Aha Moments, Faith, Fear, Hope, Mommy Heart, Thankful
Read Part 1 on Postpartum Anxiety here. At the beach, I read whole books from cover to cover. We played in the pool. I took the J girl on a bookstore/beach date. (Only the best kind ever). I cooked fresh shrimp. I didn’t think about recovery (much), about taking...