by Molly Huggins | Oct 30, 2013 | Blogging, Community, Faith, Hope, Lives We Love, Upside Down
There are six of us in the hotel room, a motley crew, these women. Introverts and extroverts, farm girls and city dwellers, and even one who has a love affair with tweezers. And it’s late and there might be a bottle of wine (or two) on the nightstand and us, who love...
by Molly Huggins | Oct 30, 2013 | Army Life, Community, Faith, Mommy Heart, Photos, Second Son, Wee Man
October 20 we had Second Son baptized. {Editor’s note: We belong to the Reformed tradition, wherein infants are baptized … “Baptism is a means of sanctifying grace and a gospel ministry to the people of God. It is a sign and seal of the Covenant of...
by Molly Huggins | Oct 28, 2013 | Army Life, Blogging, Community, Faith
Thrilled to be writing at Christian Military Wives Fellowship this week. Also, I have lots of stories for you from Allume, but they need to simmer a little. Excited to share this week!! I read a quote about military wives recently: “She plants annuals for herself and...
by Molly Huggins | Oct 10, 2013 | Army Life, Faith, Jamester, Mommy Heart, Our Story, Uncategorized, Wee Man
{More Five Minute Friday in which I take longer than five minutes. Also, because I was typing most of this one handed while nursing, I was forced to do some significant editing so it didn’t look like a drunk monkey wrote this. Linking up with some lovely women...
by Molly Huggins | Oct 2, 2013 | Aha Moments, Dreams, Faith, Fear, Hope, Thankful
I feel like my brows have a constant furrow. My face is screwed up tight against the world … with fatigue, with worry, as a defense against the Wee Man screaming. But in between all the brow furrowing, and the forehead scrunching, this happened. I was reading in...
by Molly Huggins | Sep 26, 2013 | Army Life, Blogging, Faith, Fear, Grief, Hope, Our Story
My daddy is a storyteller. A veritable Chaucer he is, his theatrics trapped in a failing body. The stories he tells, they define me. And in the telling, he wanders between truth and theater with ease, often sacrificing a little of one for a lot of another. A necessary...