Husband Archives ~ Page 6 of 7 ~ The Grace Between

Part One: The First Goodbye

*In case I haven’t made it clear, this is primarily a recounting of events that took place in 2005-2006. This is not happening right now.* We have a death to-do list. I mean, who doesn’t, right? Husband’s initial interment request was that I fly his...

Love of a Good Man ….

I thought about this all day on Valentine’s Day this year. Started to write about it even … but we were elbows deep in germs right about then and I couldn’t muster the energy to finish it.(And by the way, I L.O.V.E. starting traditions. It provides...

Seven Years

Seven years. We’ve been married seven years today. If you’re counting, and clearly, I am,  we’ve occupied the same physical location for 3.5 of those years. 3 moves. 4 deployments. 4 pregnancies. 2 sweet babes here, 2 sweet babes in heaven. 3.5 years together. 3.5...

The beginning of the beginning…

We celebrated our anniversary this weekend. Five years (a jam packed five years!). Our actual anniversary is April 30th, but generally speaking, I am about a week behind in my life so this is actually on schedule. So, in honor of this very special day, and because I...

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