Photos Archives ~ Page 18 of 22 ~ The Grace Between

The Jamester

I have been marveling over my kiddos anew lately. Last Saturday night, I was going through little J’s baby clothes (the itty bitty ones) to pass on to a girl in our church and I was in awe of what has transpired in four short years. I know I will go through some...

My Cup Runneth Over

A very dear friend of mine did a family photo shoot for us last weekend. This picture is her favorite (and one of mine:) Additionally, here is the link to view all the pictures. I am in heaven. I love love love these babies and this is a sweet and accurate reflection...

Oh Man.

Oh man. OH MAN. We have officially started the cash/envelope method of budgeting to help clear up some debt (and stop the hemorrhaging of money that seems to occur on or around the first of each month). At which point I realized several important? funny? sad? things...

Wordless Wednesday

Totally stealing this from a friend’s blog (  As per previous post, having trouble coming up with thankfuls today. So, here are some past and present beautiful moments that I am thankful for.  And after today, no more words on...

I Promised A Slideshow . . .

Lovin’ how beautiful my babes are. And my whole family. So, here is the beach trip. Mostly for my sisters.Oh happy days.~M.P.S. Quality isn’t superb because I had to smush files. Oh well. Plays better not blown up.

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