The Dailies Archives ~ Page 12 of 15 ~ The Grace Between

Treasure Hunt

Have you ever had those days, moments, where you wish you had photographic memory? Jewel of days where you wish you could tattoo every second behind your eyelids, etch each separate moment into the folds of your subconscious, so that decades from now, you can float...

Two Fives

Since this is my blog and I do what I want, (and I am trying to record things for the Jamester), I will now subject you to one of the many (totally awesome) things J says.I was (unsuccessfully) trying to have a quiet moment in my room. Teething Wee Man, Girl of a...

Update on Asher’s Tummy

For those of you who missed it, Asher was diagnosed with abdominal migraines in mid-September. We took him to the doc after three severe episodes of vomiting. If you are like me, you’ve never heard of this before, (of course), so here is a quick run-down,...

My Cup Runneth Over

A very dear friend of mine did a family photo shoot for us last weekend. This picture is her favorite (and one of mine:) Additionally, here is the link to view all the pictures. I am in heaven. I love love love these babies and this is a sweet and accurate reflection...

Oh Man.

Oh man. OH MAN. We have officially started the cash/envelope method of budgeting to help clear up some debt (and stop the hemorrhaging of money that seems to occur on or around the first of each month). At which point I realized several important? funny? sad? things...

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