Fear Archives ~ Page 3 of 4 ~ The Grace Between
On Hope

On Hope

Merry Christmas. I love this season of birth, and life, and hope. We are haphazardly telling our children the Advent story and I am stuck somewhere around Abraham and Sarah and God’s promises to them. It is told in Genesis, this story of life come lately, of...
On Fear, and Not Being Okay.

On Fear, and Not Being Okay.

Two weeks ago, I had a paper cut on my wrist. By lunchtime, it was red and a little sore. By dinner, there were red streaks halfway up my forearm. By the time I swallowed the antibiotics in the emergency room, they were past my elbow. Oh, and a few years,...

Part Seven: The Aftermath.

*This is the final installment in this particular piece of our story. Thanks for reading, for encouraging. Now you know a little more about me, about our Army life, about the beginning. Ever and always, my prayer is that you see grace here.* . . . My darkest days were...

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