Daughter of Mine ~ The Grace Between

Daughter of Mine

{Editor’s note: Husband-an Army pilot-is away for training and we are preparing for his upcoming deployment. His leaving is only temporary, thank goodness, but the J Girl is taking it h.a.r.d.}

She’s in my bed now, with her mass of sweaty curls, sleeping in her leotard because we don’t believe in pajamas here. Holding down Daddy’s spot. We miss him, we do.


This azure-eyed, look-alike, feel-alike daughter of mine, she cries a lot these days. Full of six year old tears, yes, over cleaning her room and spelling tests and little brothers, but I’m pulling her close and holding her tight because I want to cry too. 

Because we both know those tears flow fresh from the wounded heart of a daddy’s girl who misses him so. They spring up when Mommy is holding her baby brother who is just thirteen pounds of more, hard change for her six year old self. And she misses me too.

And I, I have a few fleeting moments to introduce her to a Heavenly Father who never changes, who never leaves. 

Please, God. Don’t let me mess this up.


{Linking up with Lisa Jo and a few of my favorite virtual friends … starting early over on Twitter … }

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