We went to a nearby pumpkin patch tonight.
I thought to myself … “Oh, it’s near sunset, what a perfect time to take pictures of my always cooperative and ever-so-charming offspring.”
… Yeah. That ALWAYS turns out well.
Without further ado, and because it’s been waaaayyy too serious around here … a photographic narrative of what my life looks like these days. {It’s pretty awesome, even with all the tears and imminent departures.}.
My firstborn. Yes, she is always upside down.
Wee Man hard at work.
And of course, the little guy.

But mostly, it looked like this.
Pictures really do tell the story. Except these photos missed the part where J Girl peed on my toes and Wee Man peed in his pants. I quit taking pictures well before we got to the pumpkins.
Happy Fall, y’all. It’s glorious:)
Cuteness! I need to find out where this pumpkin patch is. I’m a sucker for all things Fall.